play football in tallinn

play futsal in tallinn

mängi jalgpalli tallinnas

noored ja täiskasvanud

FootbaLL & FUTSAl Trainings ⚽ Tournaments ⚽ Social Events

FC Social

play football in tallinn

play futsal in tallinn

mängi jalgpalli tallinnas

harrastusjalgpall täiskasvanutele

noored ja täiskasvanud

harrastajate jalgpallitrenn

saalijalgpall harrastajatele

jalgpallitrenn amatööridele

jalgpall harrastajatele

rahvaliiga meeskond


Join Us on & off the Field!

Interested in Playing Football?

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, we welcome men aged 15 and above to join our community in Tallinn, Järveküla, and Loo. Be part of our group, enjoy the game, and enhance your social—and perhaps even football—skills. Regular players also have the opportunity to join one of our teams!

Already Playing in a Team?

Football teams and friends’ groups are welcome to join our tournaments and summer camps!

Engage & have fun
Meet new people
Improve social & football skills


We are proud to work with these PARTNERS

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